Another Set of Eyes

Women, I really think some of y'all tend to forget that when you bring another life into this world things must change. The way you live and how you carry yourself must change. Its no longer about you its now about your offspring. You now have young eyes watching you and looking up to you. So trust and believe what you do they will piggy back off of thinking your lifestyle is acceptable for them. So ladies if you want to continue to date that's fine, I'm not saying your love life has to end because you have a child or kids. However bringing multiple spouses around your kid(s) is not wise. There need to be more steps when having kids at home when dating. We understand that no one wants to be alone but bringing temporary people around is not healthy for your child. Nine times out of ten your child will start to think that its okay to be involved with a lot of people because they have seen their mom with different men or women and think its normal. Not every person you date has to meet your child or children. Kids at a young age are like sponges and they absorb everything that they have encountered. So being exposed to multiple people through your love life can really affect your child and how they see their worth. Especially when raising daughters we tend to forget just because we are grown we can do what we want which is true to a certain extent. Your young daughter will start to think being promiscuous is okay. Also when raising sons it can hinder them being in a stable relationship and also have them viewing women as a temporary use. Having kids make a lot of things different but your no longer number 1 they are.


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