
He asked me how many compliments do I need today. I couldn't help but smile but then I told him anyone else's compliments are extra because I compliment myself daily. I had to say please don't take what I just said the wrong way but he understood exactly what I was saying. We have to start loving ourselves instead of looking for others to love us. Start giving yourself compliments that way you don't need go above and beyond for others to compliment you.

As a woman I've noticed how there are so many women who do not realize how beautiful they are. And when I say beautiful I'm not just talking about the exterior either I'm talking about in all. We women are one of Gods best creations and I think most of us have forgotten this. Just because you don't get praised like you think you should do not down play your beauty. I know social media has a lot to do with women referring to their beauties justified from how many likes they get. Likes mean nothing there are some people out there that may think you are pretty but will not like your picture just because of the problem they may have with you or the problem their friend has with you. 

Also there is a lot reaching for attention and I really don't mean reaching I really want to say begging. Certain things do not have to be said. So what you like sex ok that's fine but they way some females are broadcasting makes you look very desperate. You can say I'm grown and I can say and do what I want but have some type of class when you do it. It's not about owning up to what you like, it's just a certain way of going about things. Then some of you wonder why you are never taken serious and will never be nothing but a sex partner. 

Confidence is all you need to get through this thing called life. Don't allow others acknowledgements dictate how beautiful you really are. It starts within before anything. If you can't see your own beauty how can you expect others to? Attention is not necessarily bad but some live for it. Don't  forget all attention isn't good attention. You would hate to put an image out there and it's nothing who you really are. Love yourself first and everything else will fall into line. 


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