New Year 2017

5,4,3,2,1....Happy New Year it's finally 2017. New Year new me right, this is what I hear over and over the beginning of every new year but for me it's a new year but same old me with a twist. Last year was definitely an eye opener and I'm embracing this new year with open arms. As I celebrated with my girlfriends in the house last night I felt blessed to see another year not as if I didn't think I wouldn't but you never know what's already written in stone for us. As I cheered the new year in I sat thinking about what 2016 has shown me the good the bad and people's true color. I'm here with my sanity, positive vibes and loved ones saying welcome 2017.

The past year was definitely something for the books as I closed quite a few chapters and prepared myself to open new ones. Finally I started to see things for what they were that for some reason I overlooked or never noticed but was so clear to so many others. I had to wash my hands and leave it behind in order to regain my sanity. I revealuated a lot of things, including  people, my surroundings and even my job. I've realized that in my late 20s if we aren't building each other up genuinely no sneak dissing or throwing shade I don't need you in my universe. Negative things and people have a way of stumping your progress and growth. Time is something I can not waste. With that being said I started to think more positively and speak things I wanted to existence.

Now that 2017 is here it's  no time like the present  to motivate and push myself to where I need to be in all aspects. This is my last year in my 20s and I am "waking" up. Reminding myself to go after my goals whether they be small or long term. I'm just in the mindset of making myself happy for me and I do mean for myself. We only get one life and I think we all take it for granted. No longer can I keep postponing things thinking I have time when I might not. Giving myself self pep talks help me a lot. I know that people say you shouldn't talk to yourself  but who knows you better then yourself?  So with that being said it's ok talking to yourself be honest and blunt with yourself, criticize yourself and push yourself be your own support team. And every now and then we need to remind ourselves what we are capable of and to never give up, to keep pushing no matter what. There are 24 hours in a day make each and every hour account for something. 

Being in a better place as a whole allows you to view life so much differently with a better "eye". As an educated black queen I am more aware of my worth and know I can do better. As the saying goes you know better so do better. Of course I'm human and certain tendencies will be hard to break but in due time they will be broken. However I've learned my lesson and still learning so with this new year I hope the ones that are in my life will remain, and  that I retain more knowledge while giving some, travel and be happy! The world is so big and now that I'm blessed to see another year I plan on enjoying this year and bettering myself. Cheers to 2017, make this one count and every one after. 


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