
The TRAP is where it all goes down. At a young age I never looked at the double meaning behind the word trap until I got older. Growing up The Trap meant  where all the hustlers  and the popular people hung out,  but what we failed to realize was that it also meant allowing an entry without an exit. Once I got older I seen how the so called trap did nothing but use and sell false dreams to my black men. When looking from the outside in all  the trap does is kidnap their innocence, raise them, send them to jail and then return them to their family to bury them.

Growing up in the black community the normal households contain a single mother raising a few kids alone and the father or fathers are no where to be found. The mother is left to work multiple jobs or beat the system to support her and her child(ren). Young black males at an early age tend to look up to the dope dealers  as male figures they someday hope to  be. They see the new gear, the fancy cars, the women, jewelry and the respect the neighborhood shows them which makes them desire to be just like them or better. They tend to reflect on what they don't have and start to get tired of being made fun of and not having a father in their life to teach them how to be a man only adds fuel for them to go to the streets and mimic the hustlers.  

Once these young males start putting in work, long sleepless nights  start to occur but it's only a part of the game. Soon the streets realize the dedication these young boys are giving and then the profit starts to roll in. The streets give them exactly what they want too; the fast money, new clothes, acceptance and self-esteem. But what these young boys don't know is the street is using them to get exactly what it wants also. However, they tend to ignore the signs because  of the new money coming in and if they're good at moving product the money starts rolling in fast. The set amount these young boys want to obtain is now set to a higher amount. Sometimes a bump in the road appears as it always does. During this process other obstacles are thrown into the equation such as taking care of their family, them having a kid, and lawyer fees because best believe if they're making real money they'll at least have one charge within the first or two years of being in the streets. These things don't seem to bother these males it only makes them go harder. 

More sleepless nights, always on the go, risking their freedom and risking their mom's house being ran up in by the cops and for what? It's not like they're not struggling anymore but of course most of them did not save their money. The faster it comes in the faster it goes and they start to lose sight of why they started for in the beginning. This becomes an ongoing thing for young black males. Of course the court date comes and they get sentenced. More often than not they did not prepare to go away and no money was put away for their rainy day. Now the only people they have are their mom and their siblings because of course the streets won't be there for them, they never are.

 The streets could careless about these black males because it'll always be someone out on the corner they can use. But we already knew this .....years have already proven this theory to be true..... but yet the saga continues ...... when will these young men end it? How many times have we heard the term OG also known as old gangsta?  They love to reminisce about the good ole days, as they put it, when they were on top but at every end of each OG's stories they always say man I lost track or focus or man I had so much money back then but if you look at majority of any hustler from around the neighborhood once they come home from doing time, real time, they have nothing to show for it. Again The Trap will only ever catch and will never let you go until it is done with you. Just a little reminder. 


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