The END!

Thee END!
You ever just sit there and start to think what if things happened differently. Your thoughts start to reminisce about the good times and now you're missing the person more then ever. Analyzing if you made the right decision that maybe they deserve another chance, and you're really pondering on giving them another chance, that maybe this time things will be different and that they now see your value. In the mist of these thoughts you still haven't picked up your phone and sent that, "I miss you" text because just as those good memories are invading your thoughts, so are the bad ones. The times they continued to take you for granted, the numerous times they did as they pleased, they didn't care how you felt, and all the times they made you feel as if you were an option and not a priority. It's crazy how going down memory lane can be so one sided until you realize why you ended things. Be careful with reminiscing because the more you allow the good memories to take over the quicker you will forget on how that person made you feel and could possibly have you rethinking about giving that unhealthy relationship another chance. Don't cheat yourself going down memory lane, you deserve better! Chapter closed!


  1. I absolutely agree with this!

    1. It took me a minute to understand but once I did I knew I wasn't the only person who experienced this


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