Tunnel Vision

You ever for once think you're moving in the right direction and finally everything is falling into place. For once you're actually making moves and not just talking about how you want to improve your life; when I say this I don't mean relationship wise but, you making the right choices for you and your future. It seems as if the stress is lifting off your shoulders and now you can see it for yourself that everything will be okay. It's one thing for others to tell you and believe them but, still you're a little unsure and have to tell yourself it'll be okay because you cannot fathom "it" not being. Instead, for it to actually be okay and you are making the proper decisions that will benefit you in the long haul. Sometimes, distancing yourself from others and hibernating isn't always a bad thing. It allows you to really think and set up a plan A,B,C,D and however many more backup plans you may need just in case the others don't work. Putting more hours in at work, no social life, and little to no sleep but; when you really have your mind on something all those hours you were accustomed to such as sleeping and lifestyle are no longer important since you're working towards your goal. Not quite there but, the progress is what makes you go even harder. Nothing worth  having ever comes easy. So when you want it bad you're willing to sacrifice everything for it. "In due time", is what you have to keep telling yourself. I was never a patient person but, a wise person once told me, "timing is everything" and now I see what he meant by it. The time is coming I just have to be patient. Tunnel vision!


  1. Definitely true. Timming tells everything. It reveals the truth if the matter did you out the work in it did you play around and now back starting over playing catch up!!

    1. Timing will always determine if the decision made was valuable


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