
One hit from Cupid himself will have you ready to chance it all. Especially when it's so strong and powerful it's like you're in a romantic movie but from the outside looking in its more like a horror story. Love can be the most dangerous drug. It's so unpredictable. It'll have you feeling like your flying high up in the sky and then boom so low that you'll think you caused your own pain as if you're not worth any of it. Love will have you doing the unthinkable. No longer will you know right from wrong everything will become blurred lines. This type of love will have you willing to risk it all just to hear I love you. They say love equals pain well this love will only cause you nothing but pain. And if you don't get a hold of this love you can lose yourself.

It's comes with no instructions. It sweeps you off your feet like no other and it's not something you can be on the lookout because love comes in all different forms. It's starts out so sweet and caring it gives you a feeling like no other something you thought it only happens in the movies because for you  this type of affection or feeling is nonexistent. But yet it's happening to you the attention, the emotional wave the "damn he really loves me no one has ever said they love me well not the way he does". Oh and he just doesn't say it he shows it; the endless attempts of him trying to win you over, the let me just give you the world, you are so much bigger then this allow me to show you what you deserve, baby it's just me and you no one will ever love you like I do. These are what plays over and over in your head nonstop and you don't hear them as just words but his actions are matching what he's been telling you. So now after all the dysfunctional things you've seen this is like heaven it just keeps getting better and better. Until that one day. 

You can no longer see straight or think if he clouds everything. From the hurt, the desperation, the anger and the betrayal. He now has you thinking how could someone say they love me so much and show you how much you meant to them but yet break you in so many ways to the point you don't know if you can ever be prepared. You see it back and think I have to get out I need to get out I cannot keep living like this plus it's not only me I have someone else to look after and with all those thoughts and concerns over and over yet you still stay. No matter how many times he puts his hands on you, threats you and makes you do the unthinkable you don't leave you can't leave because remember he loves you and it's Bonnie and Clyde, is against the world. They say love is  one serious drug it will have you wrapped up not wanting to escape. Under a spell some will say, I love you from the right person can have you more hooked then any other drug in this world, if you don't believe just wait until it knocks you off your feet. 


  1. The security a person receives from love is indescribable. If I tried to describe it its like a hug to the soul. What you write is so true!! Its addicting and paralyzing, bwtyer be careful who you love and who you let love you! Good job !

    1. Thank you so much I just want my topics to be relatable and yes love will have you under a spell before you even know it.

  2. Amazing article and so true!!! I’m sure a lot of people can relate-both men and women.

  3. Thank you I appreciate your feedback I try to make my tooocs relatable to both sexes


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