Apply Pressure

You ever root for someone to win so much because a win for them gives you and others like you hope that it could really be possible to make it out here. I'm all for women empowerment and sticking together and being each other's backbone or cheering section. But when I see my black women that are around my age and have a similar background does something to me it gives me the courage to keep going to not give up because my time is near. Seeing my own kind make it and live out their dreams makes me feel like mine don't seem so far-fetched now and that I too can make it. Now after saying all this when going after your dreams it becomes a business and certain things should not be taken personally and your dreams won't become big overnight it takes time and the struggle will become real. 

I tend to view us as artists anyone who has craft knows the first vision we have will start out somewhat ok but the more we continue to invest the more our craft will improve. So, in the beginning, it will be rough and you will get overlooked because there are several other competitors doing the same thing as you and have been out way longer. And when I say, competitors, I don't mean competition in a bad but more like a visual teacher. A lot of artists like ourselves will tell you how hard it was in the beginning and how it felt like nobody has seen what they saw due to it being so many like them out there already that forced them to keep pushing themselves to develop new ideas to go a different route and sometimes it paid off and sometimes it did not but it's all about chances. This comes with no instructions it's solely based off how you want to brand your craft, who are you trying to target for your craft and how will you stand out amongst the others. 

I became so confused with one moment these artists are promoting their brand to the world then they're having pity parties.  Now when I say pity parties I meant seeing posts on their social media announcing how good their craft is and in the same breathe that potential customers won't support because of what they might have heard about them or may not like them as a person. Again when conducting business focus solely on the business, people will always have something to say and you cannot please everyone so don't try to just continue to push yourself and allow your craft to speak for itself. Permitting their potential customers to see them in a different light that should not be shown when handling business. Yes, we are all humans and sometimes our feelings will get the best of us but again business is business and personal feelings should be left at the door. I hate when we as artist start to take the nonsupport personal instead of going back to the drawing board and start to brainstorm and think of ideas; how I can catch their attention different or how to to do something the no one else is doing right now. To be honest all us artist are somewhat

Nothing in a stepping out on faith and actually found something you love and have nothing to show for it but your craft is hard. But again you have to think about why again you became an artist and what you felt you could give others something they weren't already getting. Truthfully to be honest there are so many of us females who are very talented at what we do but we do not take the time to actually develop our craft to its full potential. We may have an idea but our first try is never our best and I myself have been blogging for over two years and I know where I can and should be but in order for me to get there it's all about me and what I do to improve my craft not my readers because my numbers have already increased due to me taking my talent more serious and being more relatable to my topics. I never once blamed my audience for not reading my blog but myself because it's my job to make them want to read it and to keep their attention not anyone else's. So, ladies, I want you to take a deep breathe and not to take everything so personal just because people are not supporting you. Nothing and I mean nothing happens overnight. Anything that has really taken off took some time to reach where they are today and I think some of us are forgetting the process. 


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