
Nothing with real meaning will ever be easy. Relationships are hard work. It's not suppose to be easy but as you overcome the obstacles together the stronger the two of you will become. Sometimes you might even want to throw in the towel because you're too overwhelmed. Just think of how much he or she means to you and how much you really love them. Every relationship has it's ups and down as they should. This is when you get to see the real them and if you two are really meant to be together. However during this time no one should be taken for granted or doing more then the other. 50/50 is somewhat how we all want relationships to be but it doesn't always work like that. It's nothing wrong ladies if its 60/40 or vice versa. Relationships don't come with instructions at all. It's merely based on how a person makes you feel. To those in a relationship and your happy hats off to you and those wanting a relationship when the timing is right it'll happen, just don't rush it. I'm a firm believer in meaningful relationships when you have two people willing to fight to make their significant other happy, am I the only one who still thinks like this?


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