
I can recall loving this man with everything I had but yet it still wasn't enough. I remember the feelings he caused me to experience. The cloud 9 I was always on. The promises he always told me. The moments we shared amongst each other. It felt as if we were the only two people left on earth when we were in each other's presence. But yet it wasn't enough. I also recall the heartache he caused. I lost count on how many times his promises went unmet. Cloud 9 turned into a nightmare. At one point of time I hated him but no one can really hate a person they once loved. Disappointed.

Thinking back on our relationship it was like a roller coaster neither one of us had control well that's what I thought. I guess I never had control because when I fell for you I fell hard. Once you broke down my wall I was all yours and I started to see you differently. You were no longer my mate you were my Bestfriend. We talked about everything and when I say everything I mean it. Nothing was off limits from friends to family to financial to health physically and emotionally. We spoke of everything and when you came upon hardship I was there when no one else was. Even your so called brothers were no where insight. It's funny when I hear the hardest person on a mans team is his woman but yet you couldn't understand the concept and still don't. 

This is never to bash you by no means but more like a way of me writing it down and finally for once sealing this letter and saying good riddance. I know I'm not the only female that has experience this type of man because we all have, especially when we were younger. It's funny how we plan a life with a person and years down the road that person we thought we couldn't live without we're living without. And at first it was hard because he might have moved on dating other women or even starting a new family. And yes you might have moved on but there was alway a small part of you thinking that maybe one day just one day you two will get back together. No longer do you have hatred towards this person more of a disappointment because he turned out to be everything he said he wouldn't be. But as the saying goes time heals all wounds. Soon you'll see the one that is meant truly for you will be with you.


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