Alter Ego

At first everything was moving smoothly. Endless phone conversations, thoughts of him invaded your mind constantly and being with him made you happy. It even got to the point to where you had to ask him where he has been all your life? It's as if you were in high school all over again; so careless and free and it felt good. That was, until your first argument. Usually arguments are handled with words but his form of arguing is hands on. When someone shows you their true color believe it's the real them. 

Your first argument took you by surprise because how could this caring man turn into such a complete stranger so fast. It had you thinking if you even knew this person. But as soon as the argument ended he was apologizing for his actions and words. You know you should leave him alone because the transformation happened way to smoothly for this other side not to be the real him. However his apologies and the makeup gifts have you rethinking maybe things got a little heated and that he deserves another chance. Should've went with your first instinct. 

Things are going so good after the first hiccup that you think that other side of him was a mistake. Until you two hit another speed bump and his alter ego reappears. He's no longer caring and using his words it's more with his hands throwing things and making threats. It's like he turned into a complete stranger and you're in disbelief. And just like the first argument he's calling apologizing and begging for you to give him another chance. Offering to take you out just so he can see you because he misses you so much. And of course we agree to see them again but things get heated again. Nothing has changed but the real him has finally surfaced and he can no longer control the real him.

Ladies we have all came across a man like this or seen the potential of this type of guy in our past. You may have cut him off after the first argument or have stuck it out but let me be clear this type of man will never change and it will become harder for them to contain who they really are and control you. Leave once you see the first sign of this type of man. Do not second guess yourself because you do not  want to be looking back at yourself years later questioning  why you didnt leave him alone when he first raised his hand. It's never easy but if you stay it will only get harder. Trust me I know.

On a serious note, domestic violence is not to be taken lightly. One day you could be here and the next you could be gone by the hands of the person you would've given your last. Be careful because the signs are always there, don't  overlook them or continue to give someone chances when they don't deserve them. Your life is too precious to be played with. Real love is never supposed to cause you any physical pain.


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