
When is enough, enough ladies. How many more times will we make excuses for why he keeps treating us like shit? How many times will we wipe our own tears? How many times will we keep lying to ourselves saying things will get better when we know they won't? How many more times will we keep putting ourselves through this? Don't we deserve the love we give them? Aren't we worthy enough to be loved back unconditionally?

Ladies each and every one of us have been down this road, questioning ourselves wondering if it will ever get better. We have all encountered a person who we would give our last to but treats us like an option. It's weird how we know deep down inside that we deserve better yet we stay because of those thoughts we had of us two being happy, creating memories and even having kids together to only waken from those dreams and realize that those wishful thoughts are just wishful. 

I've noticed that we tend to stay because of the potential we once saw in that person and think we can still pull it out of them and somewhere in that mix we start to put our feelings on the back burner and put them first and start neglecting ourselves. We start to tolerate the disrespect and the abuse whether it be physical, mental and emotional. Physical harm can definitely alter how we view our worth but let's not forget how mental and emotional abuse can be far worse. Although bruises and black eyes go away; deep down inside we are emotionally and mentally drained and we no longer recognize the beauty we once held and we forget our worth and start to think this type of behavior from the one we love is acceptable when it's not. Love is never suppose to hurt. Yes, you may shed a tear here and there but it should never cause you to lose yourself during the process of loving someone else.

So again ladies, I ask my women when is it enough? When do we let go of that toxic person because making excuses for their behavior will only cause them to think it's ok to tear us down and abuse us. Just because you cannot see the scars don't mean they're not there ladies. How many more hurtful wounds will you bandage up thinking what he's doing really means he loves you but he doesn't know how to show it because that is our number 1 go to response when defending his behavior to a loved one when they're telling us to leave or you deserve better. Trust me; I know I said it myself. However, I got tired of the cycle and realized I could be happy by myself, I don't need another person who so called loves me causes me pain and sorrow. I guess when you get tired enough you'll let go of the person who has taken you for granted.


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