
I still cannot believe it's 2018 and trust me if I could roll back the hands of time or just replay it in slow motion my ending of 2017 till right now boy I tell you. Life has a funny way of always throwing you curve balls. They say hope for the best, prepare for the worse and expect the unexpected. I truly think we all forget about  those rainy days. It's like one moment you can be enjoying life then the very next everything is turned upside down and you're thinking damn what did I do to deserve this. I get that he will never give you more then you can handle but sheesh right now it feels like my back up against the wall and my legs are barely able to stand up on their own. During times like this is when we all realize how strong we are when we have no other option. The unexpected has a way of creeping up on you so be prepared. 

Man only if y'all knew half of the things I just encountered the end of 2017 which carried on into 2018. It was like one thing after another and at one point in time I allowed my situations to get the best of me like I became angry and wanted to revert to my old ways which I knew no good would come out of it and it would only hurt me in the long run. It's like you take two steps forward and life knocks you ten steps back. Like sheesh I couldn't get a break even if I wanted to. You ever feel like you turn the cheek on one incident and then to be smacked again in your face with the very next. It's hard like really hard when everything seems to be turned upside down and now you're just stuck trying to figure out your next move which needs to be your best move. They say behind every mistake there is a lesson which I'm a firm believer of now but when these so called "mistakes" keep happening does it mean you haven't learned from the previous lesson or is it time to shake things up because you've become too content. Not sure if everyone views it like me but I think when things are shaken up unexpectedly and not to our liking it's the man up above telling us we need to do better or to do more. Maybe it's just me but that's how I view it whether I like the storm I'm in now it's not going anywhere and it's up to me solely to get through it.

I say all this because I know there are others going through a tough time and I want them to know that just because it's pouring right now doesn't mean the sun won't shine, continue to push never give up no matter how much your back is against the wall. Remember you have already overcame similar obstacles that you thought you never would and look at you now been there done that so this time is no different it may be a little harder and it even may have you question why you but continue to push and everything will work out trust me I had to keep saying that to myself even when I did not believe myself but I'm working through this storm because I know there are better days yet to come. Life never gets easier it just makes you more aware of the possibilities that things can happen. Always plan for a rainy day just trust me on this one because there will be plenty of them. One month down and 11 more to go I can only imagine what 2018 has in store for me. One thing for sure I will not break so I have my seatbelt strapped on super tight and I am embracing this roller coaster ride of a year I can see it now. 


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