
Be careful who you confide in. Those ears that once let you pour your heart out can easily become mouths throwing daggers. Time use to mean a lot but I'm starting to learn you really never know a person until they tell you how they truly feel about you. These so-called friends are now more like strangers. You could have known a person all your life and really not know the real them. Be aware that the friend you planned to grow old with is now a stranger walking down the street. It's crazy how your once-friend can become your enemy.

I remember growing up my mother always telling me to to be careful who you call friend and who you tell your secrets to. Everyone will not hold you to the same stature as you hold them. Now at the time, I thought she was just being cautious but boy was she ever so right. Being a girl you will encounter people that will be there for certain seasons and then you'll have people who will impact your life so much that once they leave it's like they took a part of you with them. Creating memories with someone that has been there through the good, the bad, and was moral support for you when no one else was around;  than to hear them talk down on you is mind-blowing! That one person you had share all your special moments with is like a distant memory now.

It's crazy the person that was always there for "emotional support" is the same person using your deepest secrets that you confined in them with, now uses it as ammo to hurt you. Not just as a gentleman but to tear you down and to belittle you. It's strange that the person you swore you knew now has you thinking damn this is how you really felt about me. You no longer see the person you laughed, cried, created and shared memories with doing something so foul like this to you. Yup, that so-called friend never viewed you as you did. Now you're sitting back questioning yourself like why did this person stay around so long? If this is how they really viewed you. It's one thing to be aware of other people that may come into your life and have your guard up but not this person who has literally been there with you from the very beginning to just talk to you as what y'all had did not mean shit. Hurtful isn't even the word it's more like a part you have just died. 

The older I get I stop allowing the closest people to me , to get chances. Once you show me your true colors it's no turning back. Me personally, I value real friendship we are not just friends we are now family and once you cross me there's nothing left I have to give. You can no longer be trusted or our friendship mended because the words you've said can never be erased or forgotten. Whatever imaginary bond I thought we had never really existed because friends don't hurt each other like this. Not sure how messed up the person can be on the inside to be around someone 24/7 who they really don't like, it's beyond weird and corrupt. Time no longer determines how good of a friend a person really is. It's sad when you now have to keep your guard up because you never know a persons motive and the person you least expect does you the worse. A wise person once said keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer, I guess that's how frenemies were created.


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