
The fear in their eyes as they're pleading for the pain to stop, for this monster to go away and the person they once knew to return but it never does. Their little bodies fight as long as they could but they start to feel they are slipping away. Imagine what this child is feeling or thinking as their attack is happening! With each blow more and more pain spreads through their body! A body that hasn't even been nowhere near fully developed but yet they're taking these blows as if they're the same size as their attacker! The screams coming from them fall on deaf ears and their tears aren't even acknowledged. Another blow to this toddlers body, another punch, another kick and I'm not even trying to imagine if he or she has been sodomized. No one is there to save them not a fucking soul! Yet another blow after another one. How much more can they take!  The beating never stops until their last breathe is taken. That once sweet innocent child is now laying on the floor lifeless after have been beaten to death by a so-called family member, a parent's spouse, shit even their own parent. When will this type of abuse stop? How can an individual torture and beat a child till they're no longer breathing? And when  will we stop allowing anyone and everyone watch something so priceless as our own? You're supposed to protect your child and when they needed you the most you weren't even there but yet you introduced them to their abuser the person who would cause them the most pain. 

More and more I'm starting to hear about young toddlers being beaten to death by either a parent or someone who the parent trusted to look after their child. It's disturbing that people will allow anyone to watch their kids and that child has to endure so much pain until their body can no longer take it. Hours on hours of being beaten until their body can no longer take the pain. A child is a gift and is the most valuable thing on this earth, how can anyone intentionally harm let alone kill a kid shit a toddler even? My heart breaks each and every story I read regarding this issue it seems like these kids aren't even making it to their 8th let alone their 5th Birthday because of a sick individual who for some reason decides to take their anger out to the max on a child and a child that's not even theirs. 

And the part that kills me is when they're caught because they're always caught, they start to cry or they hold their head down like they're ashamed where were your feelings when you continued to strike that child over and over and they cried out for help! Nowhere yet expect some sympathy or mercy to hell with you is how I feel. Then some have the audacity to ask the judge to not put them in a high violent populated jail knowing once the other imitates find out what they were charged with will have no mercy on him or her but where was that same sympathy you want the judge to have with you with the innocent child you laid hands on repeat over and over." You have to be fucking kidding me! A fucking defensive-less child how someone less then half their abuser's size protects themselves or hold off on hours of blows to their bodies to the point they start to bleed from the inside.  Only a coward and someone with a twisted mind could intentionally harm a child to the point they take their life. As a parent, our number one concern should be to always to protect our kids no matter what. I would hope and pray that you would at least know what type of person is watching your child.  I'm truly a firm believer that people do not just change overnight that there have been signs that may have been overlooked and by overlooking them has now cost you your child's life. I know parenting does not come with instructions but no child should ever be beaten to death by someone who was supposed to protect them and I mean no one! 


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