When will we stop talking about it and actually do something about it? Ladies, we can say we want to change all we want but until we put actions behind our words it holds no meaning. Happiness does not happen overnight but in due time the feeling will be exactly what we expected. Let’s not forget in order to get results we have to start within ourselves first. Whether it’s what we put in our body, from the men we date to just putting ourselves first. Taking some time to get ourselves right. Self-love is so easy when speaking of it but to achieve it is hard. 

Not a lot of us will openly say that we have neglected ourselves so much that we are our own worse enemies. We have allowed so many toxic things in our lives and allowed uncertainty to be more common then it should be. But once we gain control again and put our foot down that self-love will come back so naturally. Being content is the most self-harming thing we can do to ourselves. Usually when we realize what’s actually going on so much time has past and we are lost and frustrated that we have allowed things to get this bad. Ladies we cannot blame anyone else but ourselves for allowing certain things to happen to us. We are all old enough to know what we want, how we should be treated and how we should value ourselves. So with that being said if you’re unhappy only you can change that.  Start off by taking baby steps which at first may seem we are not making any progress but in due time. We have all been there before whether it’s in our career, relationships, and our physical being. But I am here to say we have the power to change it all. 

Make sure you stick to leaving whatever toxic things that are making you unhappy in the past because in order to grow and progress it has to be left behind. You cannot allow the same toxic things continue with you on your journey you’ll only be cheating yourself once again and this time you can not place the blame on anyone else when you're the captain of the boat. As the saying goes once someone or something shows you who they are believe them. This can go with certain career paths, some jobs are dead ends and if you’re not truly happy there is no point of staying there take that chance I bet you won’t regret it, trust me. If you’re unhappy with your physical appearance we all know which foods are bad for us so if you truly want change then stay away from the fatty foods and workout. Also when it comes to dating when you first notice the signs do not overlook it,  address it right there and if its not corrected then end it right away. We have to stop wasting time, time is too precious and its something we cannot get back.

Ladies, we can only block our own happiness. I always hear our rants about how strong we are and how independent we are then why do we never use that same energy towards the things that are making us unhappy. We can apply so much to everything else but ourselves. We tend to put ourselves and our happiness at the end of our list when it should be at the very top if not the top two. Have you ever witnessed when you're truly happy, how much you can accomplish and how good you feel? The crazy thing is sometimes it can actually be just us being too hard on ourselves that makes us unhappy, we are our own worst critics. I’m here to say everything will be ok as long as we make the changes that are needed to restore our happiness, really start to focus on ourselves and putting us first. Once we start putting action behind our words then everything will work out for the best in due time watch!


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