
Whatever happen to parents protecting their kids from harms way. More and more I see these parents doing the opposite, they're actually the ones introducing their kids into harm at an early age. Times have changed for the worst. The younger generations are being setup for failure way before even being born. I seen pregnant women smoking and drinking throughout their pregnancies. Not even worried about the harm their causing their unborn child. And even after their child is born things don't change it gets worse. Small things as changing the baby's diaper when its full goes undone, being talked to is replaced with being yelled at or even beaten, and instead of correcting their mistakes they are degraded for their acts. Being taught at home is no longer done. These kids are sent to school with the bare minimum only knowing how to say their name. School becomes a safe place for them. At school they're fed at least twice while they are there, sitting in comfortable conditions, shown attention and being educated. Once the end of the day hits they have to return to a place one should love to go but most dread. These kids go to homes where they're alone majority of the time and if their mom is home they're forced to stay in their room so mommy can entertain or have some free time. These kids witness things no pure child at a young age should but they do. Some go without being fed, given a bath, a bed to lay in at night or clean clothes to wear to school the next day. These kids are thrown to the wolves at an early age on how to survive for themselves and it's not fair. They did not ask to be here but yet they are the ones getting punished. Setup way before they even given a fair chance.


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