
Women Unity seems to be nonexistent. Women, we use to stand together as one, now it's like we are our own worse enemy. We no longer uplift each other we now tear each other down every chance we get. We use to be each others inspiration but not anymore. What ever happened to one of us making it we all made it. Back in the day we were seen as nothing more then housewives but that all changed due to us sticking together and never giving up. What happened over the years for things to have drastically change for the worse? Women now a days are so quick to attack each other within a heart beat its ridiculous. Majority of us are attacking each other over small unimportant things; staring too long, gossiping, being inferior of one another and oh let's not the forget the main reason these men. How can something so trivial make you want to come out of character and harm someone just as you. We are all fighting for the same thing at the end of the day. Why is praising each other so hard especially when one of us are doing good? We are so quick put each other down and throw dirt on each other's name. We are fighting each other more and more as if we are wild animals which we are not.  When did we become each others competition in a bad way. It's nothing wrong with seeing the next woman who has her life together and moving in the right direction as motivation. I'm not saying every female you come across should be your friend but there is nothing wrong with being cordial or seeing their existence, instead of throwing shade before even giving her a chance. This hating one another has to end especially when the world still views us as second class citizens. This women hatred amongst ourselves should be the last thing on our minds when we have so much other things we need to be focused on. 

I know I'm not the only one that thinks or feels this way or am I? Does this not bother you that we harbor so much hatred towards one another?


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