Tough Times

Everyone goes through tough times. It's a part of life and those tough times actually make us who we are. Those times help shape who we will become. Nothing in life is free or easy. Anything worth having will always be a fight. I personally don't want anything with real meaning to come so easy. So when those unexpected times come, don't give up and continue to keep going.

A wise person always told me "at the end of every dark tunnel there is sunlight." I never forgot his words and I continue to think positive when everything is going bad. No need to add more negative energy to a bad situation and nobody wants to be around someone who is always negative or having self pity parties. Giving negativity life will only increase its power. I know first hand it seems like when one thing isn't going right, something else seems to go wrong. It's like a ripple effect. You have to believe that life will not give you more than you can handle. We are given these obstacles not to make our life harder but to show how strong we really are. No one knows their own strength until we have no other choice but to fight as if our life depends on it. I look at the problems I'm faced with as a lesson he is showing me that I'm getting too comfortable and it's time to switch up even if I'm not ready. But he knows what we are capable of and it's just time that we start to believe in ourselves and fight. 

Tough times always have a lesson in them whether you choose to see it or not. These times teach us what not to do again. And some of us may need a few more tough times than others to get it but we all get it. Don't look at tough times as a punishment but as a stepping stone to something greater. Just wait it out and continue to move forward never giving up. Giving up only makes you complacent and you'll never know what you're actually capable of until you overcome those tough times.Tough times don't last but strong people do. Just remember someone else could be going through so much worse. As long as you're breathing, you have been blessed with the opportunity to turn tough times into something better. 

I've learned that everyone needs to hear these words because giving up can be so easy. You're not alone we have all been through it just on different levels. Keep going and once the the tough times end because they always end, you'll look back on it like damn I was almost broken but I made it and your outlook on life and yourself will be completely different. Just don't give up keep going. Stay strong and you'll realize how strong of a person you really are. Life is all about obstacles. The greater the obstacle the more glory in overcoming it.

"When you often think you hit rock bottom he himself is the rock at the bottom."


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