
At one point in your life ladies and gentlemen having the newest clothes does not mean everything or really anything when you become an adult a real one at that. Those senseless materialistic things will not be a priority as they were when we were younger. But it's sad to say that a few well majority of us has yet to grasp this concept. I can't be the only one who thinks having their own is more important then the newest Jordan's, a name brand bag and always being on the scene. We are all grown so why is it still important to have materialistic things knowing you don't have  your own place to call home or your own ride to drive. That money that you spend on the newest clothes or sneakers or bags or weaves could be saved and put  towards something that will last longer and be more valuable in the long run. But clearly my way of thinking has to be unheard of because I see so many people breaking their backs to prove to others that they haven't fell off but yet your still living at home at the age of 27 and up and you either borrowing someone else's car or renting one every week. Wasting tons of money when you could be saving. Seeing the bigger picture comes with maturity which a lot of people lack.


  1. Too many people are spending their money on things that depreciate in value. You have "welfare moms" spending $150-$250 on their kids sneakers but cry foul when the schools require that the kids wear a uniform. Newsflash: Uniforms are CHEAPER! I go out to local sporting events and I am willing to bet that if I added up the value of all the sneakers in the room it would easily exceed $100K but if you added up the savings accounts of those same individuals you wouldn't even get close. We need to TEACH our babies the value of a dollar earned and the POWER of a penny saved. Rainy days will come!

    1. I couldn't agree more but how can you teach people to save if all they know is to spend. How can an adult teach their child or kids to save when they know nothing of it. People tend to pick up habits from their upbringing. This has and will always be an ongoing cycle. I know sad but true.


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