Big Booty Judy

Is having a big butt the most important thing to have ladies and gentlemen? I see how society has put having a big butt as a must for females. But for those who don't have one what does it mean? Does a female become more prettier, is she more likely to be marriage material, will it make her more successful, will she be take more serious with a bigger butt? These are a few questions that I ask myself when I hear people rant about how having a big butt is important. As if having a bigger butt will stop the bills from coming in, haha. I see a lot of women being eager to go under surgery to get a bigger butt. Which is nothing wrong when its done properly but most of the time it's not. People are really risking their lives for an unrealistic image. Females are spending thousands dollars to enhance their behinds from shots to actually taking fat from other parts of their body to be places in their butt. And for what to be another "it girl"? Because I really never understood how females can spend all that money on something so superficial that will be out of style because everything goes out of style. And when is to big too big? I've seen some females overdue getting a bigger butt to the point where it looks fake and unhealthy. Not too many females will have a small waist and a big butt. I'm just looking at the bigger picture too. What are we teaching our young girls that when a trend comes out we should all follow even if it means going under surgery to do so? There is nothing wrong with wanting to look a certain way but when does having a big butt really become a plus to female. Men I get it, its an pyshcial thing for y'all but for ladies what does having a big butt really do for y'all? And if or when y'all have a daughter will y'all be encouraging her to do the same if she wants to?


  1. I think plastic surgery should only be done to benefit oneselfs health. Not to modify for the sake of a trend. Why not love the body you have and flaunt your beautiful features. They will last a life time.

    Looof 💕,

  2. I could not agree more but some will go under the knife to enhance certain things on their body. I just wish people would do their research on the doctors before allowing them to operate on them.

  3. It's pointless. Females do things just to get attention. But your doing these type things just to get attention from most guys who will treat you like crap anyway and when the next female comes along with a bigger butt than yours guess what???? He's on to the next one. I could go all day but I made my point. Be happy with what you have because you go under the knife and something goes wrong... you'll end up with nothing at all!


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