Faded Pictures

You ever just look at old pictures and think of how happy you were when the picture was taken? How much that person meant to you at that time? How you just could not get enough of that person? How you never wanted that moment or those feelings to end? By looking at that picture it starts to bring up the memories the two of you shared. The love between the two of you is so obvious even a blind person could see it. It's as if only you two exist and no one nor anything else matters. You see nothing but good times when looking at the picture. You can't help but to smile when thinking about the day the picture was taken. That moment was memorable, it was nothing but laughter and a beautiful moment. Hence, looking at the picture brings back the good times. Times that y'all shared together, that can only make you laugh and go down memory lane. Back when things were simple and easy. When everything he did made you smile and laugh. You wanted  nothing more then to just have him around. The longer you look at the picture the more you begin to realize that yes a picture says a thousand words, but they also capture beautiful moments. But thinking about the good times always leads to thinking about the bad times too...... unless the good out weigh the bad. Sad to say it normally doesn't because y'all are no longer together. Moments are fun to reminisce and to go down memory lane, but thats about it. Pictures will have you going down memory lane, but then reality sets back in. Those pictures were taken for a reason. Pictures capture a good moment, but fleeting  moments will  pass. That picture will always show you the good times you've  shared, but it's part of the past and now it's just another memory. Pictures have a way of making you relive the good times and revisiting the past especially when the image speaks volumes. Everyone has been down this road at one point of time in their life. Nothing is wrong with reliving the past for just for a little while or is it? Does looking at old picutres make you want to reach out or question yourself on why things did not work out between the two of yall?


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