Good Fathers

Good Fathers Still Exist
There is a lot of father bashing going on but what about the fathers that are there and that haven't left their child's side since they were born. We tend to over look the fathers who are actually being fathers. Who actually take time to raise their child(ren) and instill good morals within them. There are men and boys out here that are taking care of their responsibilities when it comes to their child. No they do not just buy their child materialistic things they actually give them time.  Showing their sons how a man is suppose conduct himself and showing their daughter how they should be treated by a male. Giving them the priceless things that money cannot buy and that will take them far in life. These father get overlooked all the time and are barely praised because we as women and society love to advertise the negative instead of the positive. To those fathers that are out there because y'all do exist please continue to be apart of your child's life. I praise y'all and no y'all have not been forgotten. We may not acknowledge these men as often as we should but y'all have not gone unnoticed. Also to the males that have stepped up and raising someone else's child my hat goes off to y'all too. Anybody can have a baby but a real man takes care of his responsibilities.


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