
I've decided to speak on the Ebony's magazine cover with The Cosby cast members and how the bullet hole is directed at Heathcliff Huxtable's (who was played by Bill Cosby) head giving an imagery of shattering their image of a strong family. Growing up the Huxtable's were the idealistic black middle class family that portrayed a family of 7 and how they stayed united, family values and their outlooks on how to handle everyday battles as a family. This show was on for 8 seasons which was and still is rare in sitcoms with an all black cast. However this show spoke for race and class and at the time of it's airing nothing like this was done before and how much of a big impact it has left. One may think they are just trying to discredit Bill but instead they use a family portrait displaying The Family and what I got from this cover is how they took this top rated tv show that was looked up to from a lot of black families and was the face for black families and tried to make a general statement as if this show represents all black families which it does not. There are millions of black families who are raising their kids to live right and how to maneuver themselves in this cold world. The Cosby's showed a positive side of black but was a fictional display of black families majority of us do not look like them. Instead of making the cover just about Bill and the accusations against him, Ebony decided to use the family's face as a whole and yet they targeted the father just like in real life and how a man's role in his family is the center and the backbone which can destroy a family. The rest of the cast has nothing to do with what he did off set and to destroy the image of this tv show that is a legacy and the actors who have worked hard to make this show for what it was is wrong on so many levels. Me personally I just don't see the tv show The Cosby's, I see Black America and how we do not have unity as one and that how a fathers role can either make or break a family. 


  1. I agree, they have been taking our black father's away from us starting from the beginning of the slave trade. Not only are other races doing it in the 21st century our own people do it too. Its sad we need to embrace our brothers(black men) , and uplift them. They too need to uplift each other and want to stood the generational genocide!


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