
Now, we are quick to complain about these men who are not taking care of their kids but what about the women that are out here not handling their responsibilities? More and more, I see women who are abandoning their child to live their own lives. I think they're forgetting when they decided to become a mother, that they no longer come first and that their child's needs do. 


So again ladies why are you so stylish and your kids look like they've been playing in dirt all day? Why does it look like their hair has not seen a comb in weeks, but you look like you just stepped out of the salon? It's not fair your child has to stay at others people's house during the week and weekends because mommy wants to have a life too. I'm not saying mothers don't need a break or adult time. However, when your adult time seems to outweigh the needs of your child that's a problem, plain and simple. 

I'm seeing mothers out and about on weeknights which has me questioning what could possibly be more important in these streets than your kid. Everyone is so quick to talk about men being deadbeats but let's not forget these deadbeat moms because they do exist. One would think the bond you have with the child you carried for 9 months would be strong enough to sustain you, but it can’t compete with your desire to run the streets. It seems to be all about mommy, how mommy needs to have a life and how mommy is still young, but what about the child? These kids did not asked to be here, but they are the ones getting the short end of the stick. 


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