Eternal Life

Death is inevitable. We all will die at some point in our life. At a young age death is a very scary issue, but as we age we begin to learn the cycle of life. No one can stay forever, even though we may want to. Growing up we tend to neglect reflection of self, along with actions and  memories until we have matured.That's when we realize the legacy we will leave behind. No one said everyday will be smooth sailing, so we begin to not harp on the little things but roll with the punches. As we age, we begin to find out our true purpose on earth, and the puzzles start piecing their selves together. Like reasons we met people, and the impressions they left on us. To understanding why certain relationships, and jobs didnt work out. We are given a chance at life, and should live it to the fullest. During this time we will make mistakes in which we'll learn from. We will experience love, heartache, pain and also have our strength tested by conquering  sorrows, with  tears and final good byes to our loved ones. Life is what you make it and only you can live for you. When you do meet your maker will you be able to say I lived!


  1. I had my experience and from Oct 18 2010 I been a different person losing my kids and my mom a couple weeks apart killed me but it also help me be a better person a better mother to cherish everything I have. I so love this Randi its true words spoken

  2. I really enjoyed this! It's true death cannot be dodged, but instead of living to die, live life before you die. Great piece!


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