Too Fast

Whatever happen to taking things slow when trying to date someone. Nowadays people are rushing things which in turn can ruin what might have been a good thing. Nobody wants a spouse who rushes the dating process. I understand as we get older things are different but when it ok for the two to be talking about the future if they're not exclusive yet. Everyone wants to mark their territory when they like someone but when trying to claim what's nots yours too fast can run a person completely away. I see the first three months as the honeymoon phase when dating. This is when the two get to know each other and feel each other out. Talking about long term goals within these months can be jumping the gun for either person. Trying to be up under the person every chance you can get can come off as a turn off especially if the spouse is not an affectionate. Meeting your spouses parents and family members too early can cause your dating process to stop. It understandable that you might want someone who you value their opinion to meet the person you are dating but be on the same page first with the person you talk to. Even though people might not say how uncomfortable they are read their body language. 


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