
I just knew I had my whole life figured out to when I would have my first child and when I would get married. I just knew I would be with my first love and everything would work itself out. After college I would land this nice ass job that would take care of all my bills and my shopping habit. Jokes on me! I'll tell you, my 20s are nothing like I envisioned. And for once I can say I'm accepting the fact they are not going as planned. I finally can say my 20s were and still are nothing like I imagined but even better. I realized in the 20s era we as individuals are suppose to grow through this 10 year span. Of course we are suppose to party and be careless especially in the beginning. After turning 21 that's when the real fun begins. Being the sloppy drunk and careless acts are normal and acceptable because we are still young and its expected. Everyone has experienced this phase in their life. Around mid-20s is when we start to realize what we want from life and some realize before others. This is when we find a steady job, move out on our own and accrue more responsibilities besides just paying our cellphone bill. This is when "shit gets real", we are no longer seen as kids or our momma's babies we are adults now. Some things are no longer accepted and now its time to get your life moving into the right direction. Towards the end of your 20s we tend to see the bigger picture in life. It's more to it than partying, but everything to do with being financially set because things happen, they always do. Of course we will make careless acts that cause us to mature and come to terms that we must think before we act because we have too much to lose. Many during this time start to settle down and look back at all the things we have overcame. You are still standing! I too am still standing. It was not easy but we weren't meant to be broken. Stronger than we once were and smarter too. Things that we use to value are now trivial. Our 20s are a trial and tribulation decade. Some are able to figure this out before turning 30, and some are not. But one day they will eventually grasp it!

Do you agree that the 20s should be the time you start getting yourself together? And in what circumstances would this not apply?


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