
Is chivalry dead? Do men open doors for women anymore before entering? Do we ladies not expect to get our chair pulled out before we sit down? Showing respect to a woman to get her attention, does this still occur? Are men still walking street side on the sidewalk as the women stays to the inside under his protection?  Whatever ever happened to men taking the lead and us ladies being surprised? Do people go on dates anymore to even get to know each other? Whatever happened to checking on each other throughout the day via text, call or email? Remember the times when it felt as though your world was amiss because we hadn't heard from him for over an hour? Were those feelings only associated with puppy or teenage love? Should we push these issues or except what we are just given? Ladies this is not only a man's job, we can do this also. Everyone loves the thought of being on the mind of someone they are attracted to. Do people even talk on the phone anymore or have we all converted to just texting? Are these romantic gestures gone, outdated or forgotten? Do we not miss it?  Me personally, I miss gestures like these. Call me old fashion but I can remember listening to stories of how elders met and how the man won the woman's heart by doing small things like these. This new generation knows nothing about working for a persons attention. People are giving everything that should be meaningful so easily away which causes it to lose it's luster. How can we expect chivalry to still thrive and flourish if we devalue the very things that it's working toward?

Am I alone in this method of thinking, give me your honest opinion? 


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